When I first found out that you could to art therapy online I was slightly sceptical. How could it possibly be the same when you’re not in the room together? Wouldn’t it be awkward to talk via video?
I decided to try it out for myself, booking an online session with another art therapist. I wanted to know what it was like for clients so I could relate to how it felt on the other end of the video call and create the best experience.
The art therapy session went well, I felt comfortable, connected and supported and was able to work through deep material in the first session with someone I have never met in person.
Accessible Art Therapy
Eventually, I decided I wanted to offer art therapy online myself, to reach people outside Perth who can’t get to the office. During the isolating 4 years I worked fly-in, fly-out it was hard to get support while you were on site and to fit in appointments on days back in town. With an internet connection you aren’t limited to the services in your local area.
To prepare to launch online art therapy I completed many practice sessions with clients all around Australia and overseas. Adapting art activities to the materials they had on hand, getting comfortable with Skype, and coping with temperamental internet connections. From their generous feedback I improved the process, making it easier to book appointments across time zones.
I enjoyed being able to express what I was feeling through art, even though I am the very least artistically gifted being on the planet (and that includes animals, insects, birds, etc!).
I’d recommend it to people that are open to trying new things and exploring different ways to tackle a problem that they have ruminated on for long enough (or too long). It helps people to get past that “sticky” point and get beneath any unintentional mental blocks in the process.
I really enjoyed the whole process. Having had therapy in the past, I was surprised at how quickly drawing was able to open up some pretty deep patterns in my life. It felt like a fast track way of uncovering layers.
It’s an easy way to reveal what’s hidden in the subconscious immediately without having to talk about all the details of the issue. Able to obtain lots of insights from really simple expressions of art. No need for any art experience to get results. Really relaxed atmosphere and possibly easier to talk when relating it to a picture rather than the issue itself.