I’m Lauren.
I’m a curious learner of all-the-things who critically analyses the world to find opportunities for creative growth. I am passionate about bringing together new ideas, disparate perspectives and applying them to help people and organisations reach their goals.
Graduate Diploma Psychology
Advanced Diploma Transpersonal Art Therapy
Bachelor Chemical Engineering (Honours Class I)
Certificate IV Training and Assessment
Perth FRINGEWORLD Visual Arts Award 2020
As a nerdy 15 year old in Sydney I did work experience at a nuclear reactor facility, trying to ‘understand the nature of existence’. I was creative too but felt discouraged from studying art because it was about perfect pictures, not expression.
I stuck with studying science, choosing a serious Chemical Engineering degree but I found a way to play with art on the side, such as leading a craft session with my classmates to make outrageous Melbourne Cup hats.
My first job after leaving home was FIFO in the mines in North Queensland. The chemical plants were technically interesting but I noticed that systems and culture were just as important in the push to make more tonnes.
Visiting Perth on holiday, I decided to stay for the beaches and work opportunities. Also trading east coast sunrise alarms clocks for west coast sunset cocktails.
A flash of inspiration to ‘help people express, understand and heal themselves through art’ leads to studying Art Therapy and Psychology while working full time, and volunteering as an art therapist in a rehabilitation centre for young women.
In late 2015 I finished my work as a Chemical Engineer and started Creative Catalyst Art Therapy and Consulting, integrating my love of science, art and psychology to help spark positive change in people and organisations.
Wanting to take on bigger projects I partnered with consulting firms to help tier-1 mining companies with Business Improvement, Operations Transformation, and Technology Roadmaps. I was able to use a variety of tools from spreadsheets to creative workshops.
From consulting I moved into technology to implement solutions. I started developing digital products that used principles of human centred design to help people and achieve business goals, then moved into team management and delivery of a portfolio of client projects.
As of late 2023 I continue to team up with other professionals to improve organisational culture and operational effectiveness. I also design and run creative workshops with companies and individuals.